Do I have to pay AZ sales tax on a vehicle that I'm purchasing in OR?

Adam K

New Member
I live in Arizona, but I am purchasing a vehicle in OR. Do I have to pay AZ sales tax when I register it here?


New Member
Yes. Buying a car out of state does not relieve you of paying the sales tax in your home state. Of course, you won't be paying Oregon tax either.

brad l

New Member
Yes you do,you pay the sales tax in the state where you live not in the state the vehical was purchased in.So,if you know the person you're buying the car from, have him/her put as low of a price as possible on the receipt as possible so your tax won't be as much.If it's a family member or a really close friend,I always have them put down that all I paid was 100 dollars,suggesting it was a friend who sold it to me,and just needed a document to prove they sold the vehical!Believe it works out ok for both parties.