2008 ELECTIONS: Hillary, McCain triumph in New Hampshire...?


New Member
Hillary Clinton narrowly edged d triumphant of Iowa primary Barack Obama in red-hot Democrats contest 39 to 37%, while John McCain gained 37% of Republican votes compared to 32% of nearest competitor Mick Romney.
This means candidates that emerged victors in Iowa last week had failed to retain their leading status.

What's yr opinion?
Has Hillary Clinton's near-tear incident last Monday affected some potential voters?
Will this 'upset victory' really upset Iowa caucus winner Barack Obama?
Does this result reflect what to expect in upcoming primaries?
Does this result cement d unpredactibility of results of this elections?

thanks for all d answers!

Barack O

New Member
Her showing emotions was just another great side of Hillary our future president. I think that this was the final test, and Obama is done for.


New Member
No. What Hilliary did was get her base out, which is why she will be the nominee. She attracts party line voters, something Obama can't. In places such as Michigan and SC, that will be key. Obama has a chance in SC with the large black population but Michigan is as good as Hilliary's.

As for the Republican side it is still wide open. McCain needed this win and Romney finishing a strong second keeps him alive in the race. However a loss in Michigan and Romney may be done. As for Giuliani, he needs a Romney win in Michigan to keep creating chaos and no frontrunner on the Republican side.