Auto repair: Fixed it by youe self.

Cars are prone to corrosion. Older unkempt vehicles tend to develop more rusts than well maintained ones. And when these rusts are untreated, overtime they eat the metal and create unsightly holes. Fortunately, there are simple ways that can be done to repair these holes. Unfortunately, the repair doesn't guarantee that it will last.

Nevertheless, repairs can still be done to fill up rust holes on your vehicle. There are numerous ways to do this. But the most cost-effective and practical way of repairing these rust holes is by using the fiberglass cloth kit. The steps are relatively easy to follow and carry out. All you just need are a good amount of elbow grease, of course the fiberglass cloth kit, electric grinder and drill, spreader, sandpaper and sanding discs.

Here are the 10 steps in repairing rust holes using the fiberglass cloth kit.

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