Back to the Future 3 - Why didn't they canibalize the other DeLorean?


New Member
I know this was asked once before, but the answer didn't make any sense.

The premise was that Marty was trapped in 1885 because he ripped his fuel line and was thus unable to get the DeLorean up to 88mph since Mr. Fusion only opperated the Flux Capacitor and the electrical systems and not the actual engine of the car.

If you recall Doc got struck by lightning while in the DeLorean in 1955 and was sent back to 1885. Doc ended up breaking some parts in the Time Machine and couldn't get replacement parts until the 1945, so he hid the time machine in a cave for Marty to use to get back to 1985 and told Marty not to come rescue him.

From 1885 - 1955, there was a TimeMachine hidden in a cave. Marty then takes that TimeMachine from the cave in 1955 and travels back to 1855. There should be 2 TimeMachines, the one Marty traveled back in and the one Doc hid in the cave.

My Question: Why didn't they go to the cave and canibalize the DeLoreans to make a working one?