Coal Power: 1 in 6 Children Exposed to Dangerous Mercury Levels?


New Member
Mercury puts children potentially at risk for learning disabilities, motor skill impairment and short-term memory loss. In the U.S., most of our electricity is produced from burning coal. This coal has mercury in it, and when burned, the mercury goes into the air and settles into streams and lakes. The mercury then poisons the fish in the water. Many people are told not to eat certain fish, including pregnant women.

The result has been that people stop eating nutritious types of fish, which the body often needs.

If coal power plants are so dangerous, why doesn't the federal government start to require that electricity be produced by other methods (e.g. nuclear, wind, solar, etc.)?
Dooberheim - You seem to say that mercury in fish is only dangerous in certain situations. Not true. It's a widespread health issue.
Jim M - Are you saying that mercury in coal can be removed entirely by washing with water? You will have mercury present deep in a chunk of coal no matter how much you wash it.