I'm trying to persuade my dad to sell the mini van and get another sedan car....

Susie W

New Member
...What should be my main ideas? He wants me to write why is it better to sell it, then keep it? What benefits to you get from selling the van? PLEASE HELP


New Member
Hint to him that boys think girls driving vans are being suggestive, that the schmucks assume girls with vans are "easy" because they are driving around with space for comfortable sex. Even if it is not true the van is an invitation to arguments on dates, and risk.

I have no idea if this is true but it is an argument I could not ignore if my daughter came up with it.
if the van is paid for, and the sedan will be on a bank loan, there is no argument as the van is automatically cheaper.

now if both are paid for, no bank loans or such. then the sedan should be the winner on the basis of gas mileage and cost of running it is cheaper.