Is a mini cooper a right choice for a teen car?


New Member
Since the release of the 2009 Mini Clubman is only a few days away, I figured that I'd get some answers from a few of you adults. I turned 16 last October, and have recently gotten my drivers license.
The new clubman has some amazing specs and safety features as well.
Every teenage guy dreams of that flashy sports car, as well does almost every person on the planet.
I understand the 1st car is going to be the worst damaged one.
I was blessed by the Lord that I grew up in an average family with decent income that my spending limit is no more that 20,000 on a car.
From working at various places in the past few years I've managed to scrounge up about 4 grand. Which is amazing for a teen not legal to work ^^
Anyways heres the specs for a past mini.
And this one is smaller!
Collided against a FORD F150! And the driver of the Ford received more damage!
any imput why or why not to get one? (from xp drivers please!) Not a 12 y/o

correct one :]


New Member
I would NEVER get a brand new driver a brand new car, I don't care how safe the CAR is. The most unsafe part of any car is the part behind the wheel.

Every single day there's at least one story in my local paper about some pampered 16 year old whose parents bought him a flashy sports car for getting that A in Auto Shop, and now he wraps it around a tree one night -- "but he was such a careful driver."

Get something old and reliable until you get the hang of driving. Don't impress your friends -- survive long enough to have kids to impress.