jeep brake problem?


New Member
ok so i was at a light tonight and my brake petal went flat, my brakes still work but very poorly, I checked my brake fluid and it is low (below the low line) to be honest I have never checked the brake fluid since I bought the car 2 years ago, its a '99 grand cherokee, also the brake fluid it very dark brown, is it possible that my brake fluid could have just gotten low over time and caused my brakes to die suddenly at the stop light or did something break and caused the fluid to drop drastically? its 1am so i can't see if anything is leaking i'll check tomorrow morning though
Probably you've a diaphragm gone out in your master cylinder. Fill it up, then check for leaks at the master brake cylinder, each wheel cylinder and under-hood distribution tee.

Good luck!
you might have a leak somewhere or you might be lucky and just need to change your fluid. dont just add on it flush the whole system to be safe, but for a temporary fix you can add fluid on top of it,,, but be safe and change the fluid.