Land Rover?

Kisa S

New Member
So, I'm planning on buying this car. It's a '95 land rover Discovery V8I. Does anybody know anything about them? Like how safe are they? How often do they mess up and how much are repairs? What's the gas mialage? Or anything else like that.


The Discovery II's (1999-2004) are a much, much better car. I'm inclined to say the Discovery Series I is fairly unreliable and rather expensive to maintain. They have the older-style fuel injection that Rover switched out for Bosh in 1999. The 95 is barely OBDII, and bound to have been abused.

The Discovery II's made improvements to the body, engine and suspension. They have more creature comforts and are in general more reliable. A Disco II will need headgaskets at 60-80,000 miles, but the Disco I would have gone through that too. I know they're a little more expensive, but a Disco II is the way to go. They are a much better car.