Now that Ford has sold or is selling Jaguar, Aston Martin, and Volvo, can

Mr. Q

New Member
Ford Motor is the worst off of the big 3. They are not focused, don't have the vehicles that people want, are deeply in debt, and are not as efficiently run as the others.
It will be years before Ford, if ever, gets back to making real money. Don't hold your breath. Don't you think that if there was a sudden fantastic turnaround, the stock would have risen precipitously?

Andrew S

stockholders rest assured that Ford? Can stockholders rest assured that Ford will return to its key strategy/core competency of selling crap?

This quarter, Ford lost many millions less than they lost in the previous quarter. A turnaround, or an asset sale?


Ford is a stodgy old smokestack company run by engineers, who have little foresight into the motoring future. What they need are marketing visionaries, who can read this market and see trends on consumer tastes and design cars accordingly. They have to move the top line, create interest in their products. Cutting costs only goes so far and it certainly changes the mentality of the management and the employees in particular, less and less morale.

Tom H

New Member
1) They are dumping Jag and AM, but NOT Volvo.

2) Selling crap?? The Fusion model just beat Toyota in this segment for quality and reliability. Toyota AND Mercedes etc. are grossly overrated. In 2005 Mercedes had MASSIVE quality control problems.

3) This quarter Ford came within a hair of turning a profit. I think the number was
-$24M; lunch money.

4) The Ford CEO, Alan Mullaly, was a wizard at Boeing until recently, and is probably the best CEO currently in the auto industry, with maybe the CEOs of Toyota and Renault/Nissan as his only equals.

5) The economic environment is rotten right now for auto sales in the US, for all makers. Ford and others are doing well selling cheap cars in BRIC, but don't expect big earnings spikes from any of the auto makers.