Please help!! BMW 325Ci (E46) dead as a rock.. blown fuse?


New Member
I got back from a 2 week vacation and found the battery on my BMW 325Ci was down due to the radar detector I forgot to unplug before leaving. I tried to jumstart it myself but was unsuccesful. So, I called AAA and had someone come out with the battery pack. The guy attached the battery and asked me to turn the key - all electricals started functioning as normal (previously lights, etc were dim) - but the car still would not start. He then attached another battery (in parallel I believe) but it still would not start - so he gave up and left. 2 hours later, I found the car to be completely dead - no electricals working, no lights on the dashboard when I turn on the ignition, nothing! Did the fuse burn out?
The engine did attempt to start each time. Everything stopped after the guy attempted to use 2 battery packs.