Shelby Steele, Obama'srun at the presidency is based more on the manipulation of...


New Member
...white guilt than on substance This black conservative goes on to say that

"Thus, nothing could be more dangerous to Mr. Obama's political aspirations than the revelation that he, the son of a white woman, sat Sunday after Sunday -- for 20 years -- in an Afrocentric, black nationalist church in which his own mother, not to mention other whites, could never feel comfortable"

"How does one "transcend" race in this church? The fact is that Barack Obama has fellow-traveled with a hate-filled, anti-American black nationalism all his adult life, failing to stand and challenge an ideology that would have no place for his own mother. And what portent of presidential judgment is it to have exposed his two daughters for their entire lives to what is, at the very least, a subtext of anti-white vitriol?"

Your thoughts? Why is Obama a member of such a radical, extremist, racist church? What kind of judgement does he have that he exposes his children to such hate-filled rhetoric on a regular basis?


New Member
Steele is correct. If Baracka were a white man he would have been laughed off the campaign trail months ago. Until a few days ago the media collectively would not dare say a negative thing about him. Thank God for Geraldine Ferraro who made it possible for a little bit of the truth come out about him. Now if they will just start reporting the news and stop pandering to him the public can finally learn more about him. Everytime anyone says anything that is not positibve about him, he whines and cries to the media and calls them racist. Using white guilt isn't fighting fair. He even threw his own grandmother under the train yesterday, while clinging to Wright so he would not lose any black votes.


New Member
Seems to me, the white people are the ones throwing in the race factor. Digging stuff up from 6 years ago by a preacher yet white preachers also said 9/11 was a payback to America for their moral decline, but white people are pretty silent about that.

I was going to vote for McCain but the more I see people scared of a bi-racial person and searching for dirt while their own crap stinks to high heaven, I think I will vote for Obama now.


New Member
Seems to me, the white people are the ones throwing in the race factor. Digging stuff up from 6 years ago by a preacher yet white preachers also said 9/11 was a payback to America for their moral decline, but white people are pretty silent about that.

I was going to vote for McCain but the more I see people scared of a bi-racial person and searching for dirt while their own crap stinks to high heaven, I think I will vote for Obama now.