What to Do After a Car Accident?


What to Do After a Car Accident?

Just about everyone of us have very little or no experience at all at the scene of a car accident. But knowing beforehand the right and appropriate steps to take during such instances is very important to every driver.

No matter whenever the hit is a minor fender curve or a major car accident, having the knowledge on what to do next will definitely make the unfavorable experience a little less traumatic. Knowing what to do next will also help you avoid even further mistakes.



New Member
Car accidents are more prevalent in the winter months, what you need to do after an accident never changes. Obviously it is hard to think clearly after a car accident so it is important to know before you get into an accident what to do first and what questions may need answered. This checklist will help you know what to do after a car accident. It is best to review it now and then print it out and keep a copy with you in your car.
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* Keep your auto insurance information in the glove compartment, including a pre-printed form allowing you to provide the particulars of any accident, including a sketch of the scene. (Even better, use that disposable camera you keep in the car. You don't? You should.)

* Stay at the scene of the accident until police have come and gone, making sure you have the name of the officer(s) and that they have your version of what happened. Do not assume a police report will "take you off the hook" or even that one will be generated in the event of a minor accident ("minor" may mean no one is injured even though your car suffers a direct hit).

* Exchange names, addresses, driver's license and insurance information with the driver of the other car.

* Review your policy to make sure of your coverage. Make a list of questions and related information you want to know.

* Report the accident promptly to your insurance company. This may not seem wise or necessary to you. The accident may be minor, you may not want to risk seeing your rates rise or you may live in a no-fault state and think that the other driver's insurance company will pay for everything. But state laws generally protect you from higher rates unless an accident was your fault. And even though you may think no-fault lets you off the hook for the other driver's medical expenses, it does not. It simply says his insurance will pay for his expenses (up to the limits of his coverage), regardless of who is at fault. But rest assured his insurance company will come knocking on your insurer's door seeking repayment if it believes you were at fault in the accident. The point is, your insurer should be informed.
health insurance tx
I just had a very slight car accident, seems to my fault. I don't know what to do and the other car owner write down my info. (just name, address & car VIN) and give his to me. I have bought car insurance (just the most basic one). His car has a bit paint off on the side but not serious after the accident. I wonder what do I need to do then? Will my insurance company pay for that? How much do you think it cost?
