What's the most unreliable Toyota car?


New Member
Toyota's are said to be one of the most reliable cars around, so out of all the Toyota cars, which are the most unreliable? Both in the passed and in the present?


Back in the 60's the "Corona" was a pretty good car, but no more reliable than American cars. Obviously, they (Toyota) quickly changed their ways and now they're ALL good cars.

OH, there have been a few design goof-ups along the way, but Toyota gets things straightened out FAST when they discover any problem, unlike say Chrysler, which has had problems with their transmissions for 15 or 20 years and STILL can't seem to get them fixed.

Robert C

Just about anything they have built lately. Camry/Avalon, huge transmission problems. New 4-runner only gets 2.5 stars out of 5 from actual users. New Highlander has problems, Rav4 not going over so well...etc.. Corolla seems to be fine though.

I am wondering if the newer models being made in the USA is the reason for new quality problems...unfortunately, this is probably the case.

Ian F

I'm sure their cars from the 50s and 60s would have to be their most unreliable EVER.

As for recently, the Toyota Cavalier...Chevrolet Cavaliers rebadged as Toyotas for sale in Japan. I don't think there's any doubt that that would be it.

Toyota Supras, particularly third generation, had (from what I hear, correctable) head gasket problems.

That's about it, really.


They have been having all kinds of problems with their new Avalons. My wife's great-aunt has a new one and it is a POS. Poorer quality than a five year old Camry.
