Trucking Made Easy:The Truck Backup Camera


Have you ever thought about what it would be like to be a truck driver? Backing up those sixty foot long wagons into a space that fits about as perfectly as those child shape blocks. Ain’t no putting a square in a triangle when it comes to truck driving. I sure wouldn’t be able to do it.

But I reckon if I had to, it sure would be handy to have a truck backup camera. Then at least I’d be able to see something if it looked like I were going to run into it. And of course after years of practice I’d get better, more confident in my driving abilities.

And think about all the great scenery on the American highways. Why, you’d see rolling plains, acres of ochre corn, high violet rocky mountains (which I’d also be afraid to encounter with a sixty-ton truck tailing behind me), vast expanses of turquoise ocean in the south and the deep marine waves in the north, gritty brown desert, moss-hung forest, and flat sunsets on the horizon. Life of a trucker wouldn’t be bad, I reckon. But I tell you one thing, I’d need a commercial backup camera system if I were to do it.

Maybe I’ll start out with a truck backup camera on my minivan.



I think it would really a great thing for any truck driver.Because i see that heavy trucks are always have this types of features.