Would a BMW 5ooHP bike be big enough to travel the world,non-stop?


New Member
x'cuse,by nonstop i actu?ally meant all necessary breaks,but no major breakdown for the bike.Software failures yes,Hardware,no.Also is it H.P. or is it C.C.


New Member
BMW makes fine motorcycles. They are rated in cc's. The top BMW over-the-counter bike is 1200cc.

The smallest cc is 650 currently, however older models were definitely available at lower cc's.

You wouldn't want to drive a 500cc bike on the highway with cars, trucks, tractor-trailers and heavy traffic. A 1200cc touring bike would be best for that.

Check out the motorcycles available at BMW's website...


New Member
With that much horsepower you would actually break through the time space barrier and would actually "warp" speed around the world , no breaks needed . kthxbai


New Member
Well you would have to stop many times for gas at least, and maintenance also, you would be racking up miles fast.

Where would you get a 500HP BMW bike from?


New Member
I guess that person could try, if that same person was able to re-fuel his bike on the run in the same manner as a jet fighter pilot would. Be cautious however when trying this, raw gasoline will cause a raging case of diaper rash when spilled or splashed in your crotch! Remember now , you can't stop to apply ointment!