Help me to enhance my property value


What are the best things i can do to increase my house value and attract more customers? It’s a small 2 bedroom flat in chester currently valued at £134,000. Any ideas would be good. Thanks.


New Member
Currently the market is on a slow down. To increase the value of your property or to even get the full asking price you need to think about making your property more attractive to potential viewers. Things like creating a clean atmosphere free from mess and clutter showing the property without too many personal items can help it appeal to a purchaser. Create professional photos to draw the viewer so that they start liking the property at the first look. You may take help from the service for this purpose. This service is for promoting property listing where you can upload property photos and create eflyer instantly. You can enhance property photo and create professional email templates, specially designed for real estate agents. I’m sure that you will get better response and value for your property.