What is the approximate cost of a N E W Harley Davidson in the UK?

Edward H

New Member
Can anyone give me an approximate cost of a NEW Harley Davidson in the UK. I appreciate that there are many varying models, so as much information on any models would be greatly appreciated.
I am a Brit living in the USA and about to export some Harleys from my home here in Detroit, USA to the UK, and I wanted to make sure it is viable before I do so. With the Pound being so strong against the Dollar at the moment, I believe it will be very worthwhile.
I am aware of all import duty etc.

Thanks in advance.


New Member
You have obviously done some rescearch but there is a shortage of earlier Harley models on the UK market. Pre and post war through to the 70's/80's models

If you have a source and that type of vehicles available and sustainable then I believe that you have an oportunity to do well

Either way good luck