Ford is planning to shift their medium duty trucks from Mexico to U.S. and will be publicizing the details till next Friday. The shifting will be done till the end of this year or in early 2015.

Initially Ford will be producing its F-650 and F-750 trucks at the assembly plants in Ohio. These trucks are presently produced in Escobedo, Mexico. And at the Ohio assemble plant Ford is producing their E-series vans, reports The Detroit News.

In 2011, it was stated by the Ford’s president of America, Mark Fields, that the movement of their commercial vehicle production will enable them in strengthening the engineering and streaming of their next generation medium trucks.

The workers Ford’s Ohio plant are in fear of losing their jobs as the E series production will be cut down. According to the data figures of last year, Ford has managed to sell 8,682 heavy trucks which is a 21% higher number than the previous year.

Source: The Detroit News

Geiger Ford F650Geiger Ford F650Geiger Ford F650
Geiger Ford F650Geiger Ford F650Geiger Ford F650
Geiger Ford F650Geiger Ford F650Geiger Ford F650