1967 Ford Shelby Mustang Fastback GT 350 & 1967/68 Ford Shelby Mustang Fastback

Eric R

New Member
GT 500!!! HELP!? is there any main visual differences between these two Mustangs because i see GT 500's on the net that look like the body of the GT 350's and i thought that the main difference between the GT 500 and GT 350 was that the GT 500 had 2 extra lights on the front (built in not the ones that look like spot lights) and its hood scoop was higher off the hood that the GT 350's! OH and what came out first, the GT 350 or the GT 500? And are they the same car but with just bigger Horse power?


the 350 came first. carrol shelby first mustang. the 350's were small blocks and the 500's are big blocks


The two extra lights in question are most likely from those POS Eleanor kits. (Yes, Eleanors make me want to PUKE!)The large "spot lights" are in two locations because the gov't didn't like the close together early 67 version.

The 67s have a one piece hood and the 68s have a normal length hood with a valance for the extra length.

The major differences in the two are the drivetrains, and the quickest way to tell the difference is to read the side stripes!!