Auto Insurance Quotes!



Searching for auto insurance quotes online can seem like something of a minefield. And as any driver knows, there are many things that auto insurance companies take into consideration when assessing how much your premiums might be.

Some of the main considerations related to auto insurance quotes are:

1 - The age of driver.

2 - The sex of the driver.

3 - The make and model of the vehicle and its popularity.

4 - The size of the vehicle's engine (horsepower).

5 - If modifications have been made to a vehicle then auto insurance quotes may vary in price, due to the higher risk of vandalism and theft.

6 - The number of years the driver has held a full license for will have a bearing on how an auto insurance quote is calculated.

7 - The driver's previous driving history, if he or she has convictions, this will affect the auto insurance quote.

8 - Where the driver stores the vehicle is also another aspect that is taken into account when auto insurance quotes are worked out. Drivers who store vehicles in secure lock-ups like garages or other storage facilities may well be awarded a reduction in premium.

9 - Age of the car is also a relevant point when auto insurance policies are being processed. Older cars are reputedly more at risk from theft as they are easier to break into than newer cars. In contrast, newer cars, while thy might be more securely protected, are often subjected to more petty theft and damage such as the removal of external components.

No. As I mentioned in my speech in March 2007, it will take time to completely eliminate private insurance companies:

"My commitment is to make sure that we have universal health care for all americans by the end of my first term as president...But I don't think that we are going to be able to eliminate employer coverage immediately, there's gonna be potentially some transition process I can envision a decade out or 15 years out or 20 years out."