Cost for replacing tire rods on an '03 Hyundai Elantra?

Sarah O

New Member
I took my car in for an inspection today, and while it passed, they said my tire rods were a bit loose and would need to be replaced sometime soon. They quoted me a price of about $100/tire rod (needing 2 of them), about $65 for an alignment, and then labor. My question is:
1. Are these reasonable prices?
2. If not, what is reasonable? What should I expect?

I have a very limited income as I am in grad school, so I would need to budget this in somehow. I just want to be prepared.



New Member
tie rods themselves are not $100. should be half that. An hour each for install. $65 for the alignment sounds right. You can go to any auto repair shop you trust for a quote and don't have to go to a Hyundai dealer for repairs.


New Member
tie rods themselves are not $100. should be half that. An hour each for install. $65 for the alignment sounds right. You can go to any auto repair shop you trust for a quote and don't have to go to a Hyundai dealer for repairs.