fiat punto steering?


i was driving down a road at about 40 mph last night, and somebody came oto my side of the roadof a blind corner, i swerved into the curb to avoid colliding with them but the steering on my car is buggerd now.
the alloy on the car is dented where it hit the kerb so i know im going to have to replace that but the steering is out of line, if i put the steering wheel straight it veers to one side, i have to steer slightly to one side to go straight, also if i put it into nearly full lock it turns itself.
anybody have any ideas whats broken and if its going to cost alot?.....i know most things with fiats are expensive


happened to me too.

try to get your wheels leveled. You can do it in any tyre shop. When the guys at the shop took my wheels and tyres off, the wheel disks actually looked oval like in a flinstones car :). You need to get your wheels straitened out.