How can I fix the doors to my car so they are lamborghini style and where do I go to


detail my car with a flag I am getting this car that my cousin is sending me from Puerto Rico but I would like to change the doors on it so that they can open like a lamborghini car would. I want them to open up and and not just to the side. Where can I go to get this done and around how much will it cost to get it done? I need the best deal. I live in Manchester, Connecticut so if you are from are from the area let me know!

2nd- How do I detail my car so that I can have the Puerto Rican flag designed on it? My friend had his car with the US flag on it but was pulled over by a cop and given a ticket for it. What does the law say about this? Where can I go to get this detailed and around how much will it cost?

The car I am getting is a mystery right now because my cousin is going to the auction to get it on Monday. He has no clue what kind of good cars it may be. Just think of it as a honda or a nissan or something small.

PS- I need the auto's for the tires too. Where do I get them cheap?
