If Freddie Mercury hadn't got AIDS. Deep thoughts....Best most...

...interesting answer will be picked? Deep thoughts...by J. Handey.Think about it, if Freddie Mercury hadn't had a penis, he'd still be alive because he wouldn't have acquired HIV.Why do the most loved entertainers die so tragically? Like L Bobbitt, I wonder why Mary Austen didn't cut off Freddies penis when she found he was having an affair? If I was Mary, I would have.Hell, it wouldn't have done ME any good to see that thing hanging there in full glory taunting me.And Freddie himself, would have probably been more comfortable cavorting about onstage with 8 inches more of wiggle room in his leotards and tight trousers.The only practical purpose of Freddies's penis was to make babies, otherwise it is useless! it doesn't have any purpose! Did Fred ever produce babies? NO..My question is, would itve killed Freddie if someone just cut it off? Cuz without it, maybe he wouldn't even have died? And.. though this mayn't be most intelligent Q on YA, I'm still smarter than you...I WILL pick best answer for most interesting post.

Amy R

New Member
Wow. So you are advocating neutering gay males? Somebody has hurt you, huh? Why take this out, virtually and post mortem, on poor Freddie? I miss his music too, but I would not have had him castrated (besides, it changes the singing voice).
Tyr this: If Freddie had not been the incredibly passionate creature that he was, he would never have been the performer we loved.
So - back to you. Self mutilation or assault on others will not correct a situation that is not working for you. If someone around you is promiscuous and gay, just give them their space. People of all preferences and sexualities are either ready to commit themselves to one partner or they want as much as they can get for themselves. Over time most will change to being ready to commit - but for some it will take decades and some will never leave their "party years." I am sorry if you have had a run-in with a party boy who may have earnestly thought he was ready to settle down, but this is not unusual. You are in good company with others out here. You need to be the adult and look for another adult next time.

Joan F

New Member
Our decisions affect our lives and that we live so "carefree"
like no one will be affected-but for "all actions" there is a
"reaction" and what happens when the 'rich and famous"
are affected by the same "everyday situations" that we
"non famous" people go through-it seems more important.
"Isn't that sad?".
Just remember your life is like a "Savings Bond".
If you can think enough of your money to put it away for safe
keeping-why can't we do that with the other choices we make.
would've would've would've.
We can always guess about what could have been-
But all we have is all there is.

St. Hell

New Member
Golly, I don't know.

But when you decide to surgically remove your own genitals...let us know how that works out, eh?