Where can I find an automobile faith healer to lay a hand upon the hood of my...


New Member
...Honda Civic? I have run out of reasons why it stalls in traffic. My mechanic can't find out why. Perhaps I need to seek help from a higher source.


New Member
This is a higher source speaking...( that is if you are 5'3")..

go with Bottom Contributor,,he's right..


New Member
Stalling IN traffic, huh? Sounds like your car is a show-off and just likes to be the center of attention. Isn't it fun to have all those angry motorists cursing at you for blocking traffic? Your car loves it.

We just (as in Saturday) went to a tent revival to seek a higher power on behalf of our Honda Accord. Our higher power's name turned out to be Federal Credit Union who has sent our car to the big garage in the sky and given us 60 months of higher payments at 4.9%.