The current home of North American Subaru Outback and Legacy vehicles can be found in Lafayette, Indiana and soon enough, the state will find themselves with an every greater output of all wheel drive machines. An expansion of the automaker’s main assembly facility is expected to take place later on this summer and when completed, production of the wagon and sedan will jump by nearly 30,000 units. In order to make sure the increase goes according to plan and without a hitch, Subaru is investing $75 million into the plant as well as adding 100 full-time jobs in the process.

At its current status, the Indiana facility has the ability to pump out 156,000 Outbacks and Legacys during regular shifts. According to an Automotive News article, the 52,000-square-foot expansion will allow a jump up to 180,000 vehicles strong which is much closer to the Subaru’s short-term goal. The automaker’s parents, Fuji Heavy Industries, hopes to have Lafayette at the 200,000 mark by 2014.

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Source: Subaru