Ford has applied to register the term “inflatable light urban vehicle (iLuv)” as a trademark.

We can only guess at what Ford’s got up its R&D sleeve on this one, but some say it could be a foldable car or small three-wheeled electric vehicle for crowded cities.

According to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, the application was submitted March 21, 2013. The “iLuv” acronym had its own application filed on the same day.

When Automotive News asked a Ford spokesman about the details, their response was “As a routine part of our business, we often trademark names.” The spokesman followed up by saying, “We don’t provide comment on media speculation.”

Ouch – Well, even though Ford trademarked the names, the public may never see anything come of iLuv. It could be a strictly research and development project that plays host to new technologies that might actually make it inside a production vehicle.

While we’ll have to wait on anything iLuv-branded, the 2013 Fiesta makes a solid choice for city-dwellers.

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Source: Automotive News