On the morning of August 19, two men will get behind the wheel of a Chrysler 200S to take on a seriously daunting task. Ahead of them will be fifty cities, one legendary state and a quickly shrinking timeframe. The goal set by Jeff Barrett and Rob Bliss will be to cover the entire state of Michigan, show what it has to offer, prove the strength of its products and do it all in just one week. Enter the Most Ambitious Pure Michigan Road Trip Ever Planned.

Along with their Sterling Heights built 200S, Barrett and Bliss will take with them camera equipment to chronicle their adventure. During their journey, the two Michigan-born men will hope to prove that the state is a solid place to “live, work, play and build a business”. Not afraid to share the experience, the men will be tweeting night and day so the general public can follow along.

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Source: Chrysler