Nissan has been named a 2010 ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for outstanding energy management and reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Nissan’s accomplishments will be recognized at an awards ceremony in Washington, D.C. on March 18, 2010.

“Nissan is leading the fight against climate change through greater energy efficiency,” said Gina McCarthy, EPA Assistant Administrator for Air and Radiation. “Nissan’s robust energy management program is a model for others and affirms that energy efficiency is our most cost-effective climate strategy.”

Nissan, an ENERGY STAR® partner since 2006, will be honored for strategic energy management and a commitment to save energy across its entire operation that resulted in significant energy and financial savings. Nissan’s manufacturing plants in Smyrna and Decherd Tenn., and Canton, Miss., have seen their energy efficiency improve by more than 30 percent, saving the company over $11.5 million per year. The Nissan Americas new headquarters building in Franklin, Tenn., features a unique sustainable design that resulted in the facility receiving its ENERGY STAR® label this year.

Nissan’s pursuit of excellence can also be seen in the high quality products it manufactures at its energy efficient U.S. facilities. The popular and award winning Nissan Altima that is currently manufactured at Nissan’s plants in Smyrna, Tenn., and Canton, Miss. is consistently chosen by reputable publications and consumer surveys for its superior quality and safety performance.

“Working in partnership with ENERGY STAR® to manage our energy use is just good business,” said Mike Clemmer, Director/Plant Manager of Paint and Plastics and sub-leader for the Energy Management Competitiveness Team. “By increasing our energy efficiency, we use resources wisely, save money on our energy bills, and reduce our carbon footprint. This approach aids in our quest to be a sustainable 21st century manufacturer.”

The 2010 Partner of the Year Awards recognize efforts to use energy efficiently in facility operations and to integrate superior energy management into overall organizational strategy. Award winners are selected from more than 17,000 organizations that participate in the ENERGY STAR® program.