The U.S. government has launched a new website that is designed to allow users to check the gas mileage and pollution of used cars, reports The Detroit News.

The website,, shows labels are available for all vehicles sold in the U.S. since 1984. It shows mileage and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions estimates.

According to U.S. Energy Department (DOE) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), window labels showing the gas mileage and pollution of used cars can be downloaded on the website.

According to the government, the stickers are valid for used cars because mileage changes little over a vehicle’s 15-year life if it’s maintained properly. Used car sellers and dealers can post the stickers on car windows to advertise mileage. Buyers can search the site for the models they want to buy, according to the news report.

Source: The Detroit News

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