Nissan Motor Co said it was considering expanding its line-up of hybrids, seeking to catch-up with rivals Toyota and Honda whose fuel-sipping cars are...

Japan's near-silent hybrid cars have been called dangerous by the vision-impaired and some users, prompting a government review on whether to add a noise-making...

German auto maker Volkswagen hopes to turn out its first all-electric car in 2013, VW head Martin Winterkorn said Friday. "We are going to use...

Citroën has released first details of the new C3, a completely redesigned successor to the popular C3 supermini – a bestseller with over 2...

With the introduction of the world’s first hybrid-only luxury car, the 2010 HS 250h, Lexus brings the promise of sustainable luxury to the forefront...

Mazda Motor Corporation today delivered the first Mazda Premacy Hydrogen RE Hybrid to Iwatani Corporation, an energy development company based in Japan. The Premacy...

Pontiac will be at the center of the action, according to the head of Fisker Automotive, as he plots the company’s strategy for moving...

With a 300-mile range and 45-minute QuickCharge, the $49,900 Model S can carry five adults and two children in quiet comfort – and you...

President Barack Obama Monday signed new measures to spur development of fuel efficient cars and to wean America off foreign energy, in a first...

The European Commission on Wednesday offered five billion euros (6.5 billion dollars) to help auto makers make safer and greener cars, an initiative to...