To increase efficiency and thus fuel economy, manufactures have been employing some rather innovative pieces of technology. Various powertrain enhancements can only go so far as the way a car punches through the air greatly affects its miles per gallon. Automakers such as Ford and GM have integrated active aerodynamics built with the soil purpose of raising fuel economy. It would appear that Nissan is the next in line to add such technology to their vehicles. On what car these cuts and slits will be added to is still, however, officially up in the air.

According to Car & Driver, a Nissan spokesperson told the magazine that active aerodynamics will make it to a car next year. There are two hypothetical outcomes to this: the aero will make it to a downforce killing supercar or a hyper-miling economy sedan. Considering the GT-R is already over-bloated with technology as it is, the new advancements will more than likely find their way onto the next Altima and or Sentra. The next generation Altima is supposed to make its way to Nissan dealers as a 2013, so it isn’t entirely unlikely to find some drag reducing flaps on the upcoming hybrid version. Of course, as manufactures are scrambling to raise their CAFE standards, these aerodynamics will more than likely be used on the majority of future Nissan vehicles.

Source: Car & Driver

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